Thursday, July 2, 2009

When the Moon is in the Seventh House

How bizarre has 2009 been? Mega stars dying way too young. Another Airbus passenger plane crashes into the ocean, this time carrying 153 people aboard, while attempting to land in severe weather at the Island nation of Comoros. I know when it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go. But what are the odds two planes within the scan of one month both crashing into the ocean? Is something terribly out of balance with the cosmos? I’m really starting to take seriously some of the dire warnings out there about the year 2012. No joke. Apparently the earth is out of synch due to our nation’s moral decline, and we’re in for some big time payback. Man will have never seen these upcoming tragedies, and the planets are apparently starting to align. Skeptical? Remember every one of us is derived from nature. So when we’re out of balance with nature negative energy occurs, and things happen like illness, death and natural disasters happen, or that’s the theory.

A while back I was reading an online article about astronomy. I’m not an expert on this subject by a long shot, but it’s fun, and it gave me some insight about a new Moon alignment that occurred on February 1, 2003 involving the Earth, Moon, Sun, Neptune, and Jupiter approximately three hours before the scheduled landing of the space shuttle Columbia. Now the article didn’t suggest this event caused the Columbia disaster, only that the occurrence itself is fairly rare, and could have some relevance. Similar dynamics were present back in 1989 when the Berlin Wall was dismantled. Is there a correlation between astronomical events and the circumstances we experience on earth? And could the planetary alignment on tap for 2012, the mother of all alignments called the “Grand Conjunction” in which all nine planets align on the same side of the Sun literally throw the earth completely out of balance causing massive earthquakes and death? Will the earth be destroyed after a shift in the Earth’s poles, and will this mark the end of McDonald’s dollar menu? Well, in case you missed it there was a Grand Alignment May 5, 2000 at 8:08 Greenwich Mean Time. Remember what you were doing when all that doom was going on? I didn’t think so. If you’re like me and think this year is strange, hang on to your hats for 2012.