Saturday, July 11, 2009

California Dreaming?

Ever had a good dream that did a number on you, and turned into a nightmare? That’s what Arnold Schwarzenegger must be feeling right about now. Surely he must have dreamed he was taking the Ronald Reagan career path from bad actor, to governor of California, and then president. Imagine what could have been. The law is changed, a foreign born U.S citizen runs for president, and wins. Oh, Obama although a senator has already done that you say? Well that’s another story.

I’ve been reading a lot about California lately. The state, once a high technology juggernaut has been reduced to the proverbial redheaded stepchild. The Wall Street Journal did an article about the state issuing $53 million registered warrants (IOUs) last week, because it has a budget shortfall of about $24 billion dollars. When the state’s pain and suffering will finally end is a big unknown, and I’m not very good with predictions. However, I do have a suggestion to Californians. Wake up! Don’t you realize you are in a failed place where the good times are long gone? Your situation will only get worse until you get out of your stupor, and stop allowing politicians to write the rules benefiting whose who have the most. And what is it with the banks? These geniuses after pledging to accept the IOUs have reneged, and now say they won’t. Is it because they’ve grown disappointed with California, or they’re panicked by the prospect of not earning the normal usury fee they charge their customers? The IOUs will only give them about 3.75% rate of return. So after what California officials vowed to be a rock solid plan now has cracks in the dike the size of Sacramento. The torpedo is aimed directly at the poor and middle class Americans who again will be systematically given the shaft.